A place where everbody knooooowsss yoour naaame! (The Cheers song) 12/2/2009

Hi All!

Well the nice part of coming to the hospital for the 3rd time in 5 weeks: all the doctors, nurses, techs, and aides know my name. The bummer part is so did the operating room staff. Hmmm.....

As you may recall, I was discharged from UWMC last Monday. The first few days out were great! I got to see some friends, had a great Thanksgiving with Jillian and her family, and with Errin and Chuck. And Jenny and Stacey even provided curbside service to the movies so we could go see the Blindside (fan-freakin-tastic, by the way!), so it was a great few days.

Then Saturday, I got a really bad sore throat and my ears started to ache. I talked to the docs here, and they said to see my primary care doc on Monday if it wasn't better. So Monday I did that, and the doc said I probably just had a virus, but to keep an eye on it in case I started feeling worse.

So yesterday (Tuesday) I come over to UWMC for my 1 week post discharge check up. They needed blood for tests, so they sent me down to the blood lab (it was about a 50 foot walk each way). I was really tired on the way there, but on the way back, I was getting exhausted. I had to stop to rest on the way back. So I got back to the doc's office, and they got the exam started. All through the exam, I was really tired, and kept getting short of breath as we talked. And then when I got on the exam table, I got super lightheaded and almost passed out. Yeah, they HATE that. :) So they did an urgent exam, checked my vitals, and the nurse practitioner went to consult with my cardiologist. And they decided to admit me.

They aren't sure if this cold/virus I have was just enough to push me over the edge since my heart is so weak, or if my heart failure is getting worse. They are going to be doing lots more tests to try to get to the bottom of that.

I did get some new kind of central IV line yesterday. It seems my days with a PICC line are over, becausethey are way more trouble with me that they are worth. :) So this new line goes in the skin of my chest, right in the middle, and feeds an IV line right outside my heart. This way the blood they draw can help them measure the oxygen levels they need to monitor. It also lets them draw blood really easily, so that's nice. The one anoying part is that since these lines on me have been such a pain in the rear for everyone, they have quit doing them in my room, and they always take me to the operating room instead. I know the process by heart now, so we've got this down to a science. Yes, until me, the process was not a science. That's what I'm saying. ; )

The other new development is that yesterday, the doctor told me that it seems time to start having the transplant conversation a bit more seriously. She's not ready to put me on the list right now, but they did start the preliminary testing this morning, which included taking 21 (!) vials of blood. They will also do a tuberulosis test, take 24 hours of pee samples, and also do some breathing tests.

The docs are also going to send up a transplant nurse for me to talk to and ask questions of. I will be sure to post the results of that conversation- I have a feeling it might be interesting! If you have any questions you want me to ask, send 'em over! However, please note I will certainly use editorial discretion when picking my questions, because way too many of you are smartasses, and I'm not going to look like a fool in front of a very important medical professional. ; )

Ok, I'm going to go eat the hospital's version of an egg mcmuffin now. I'll write more later!
I love you all!

Hannah Sales Damn damn damn!!! I keep hoping for better news girl! Not worse!

Melissa Owens Reasoner Yuck! I agree with Hannah! I hope the tests come back with good results!

Kitty Muller oh jana.. well i am glad they are watching you close. sending you lots of love and hugs..

Meghann Chapman Hey Jana- have they (I'm sure they have, but just curious..) checked your hemoglobin levels? A lot of your symptoms match mine when I was extremely anemic. Anyway, just a thought. I hope you get better and will continue to pray for you.

Jana Farrill Morrelli Hey Meghann, Yeah, they did and my levels are a bit low (can't remember exactly what) so I am a little anemic. They think that also may be because I've had so much blood drawn. They were not worried about it though.

Errin Kramer-Wilt Hey there Jana banana (the new nickname I have for you that I say in my head all the time), I am glad to hear that you are still in good spirits...and from the sounds of it that maybe you are feeling a bit better today than yesterday? I know it sucks...but I am glad that you are taking care of yourself and not lying to the doctor and telling him what he wants to hear so you can go home :) I hear from Nick that you are in quarantine. Is that still true? I am working a LONG catering shift tonight...but if you are still there tomorrow (I hope not) maybe I could swing by for a visit. Chuck will be out of town so I will be desperate for some non-puppy company. Talk to you soon chica.... Thanks for keeping us all updated so vigilantly! Errin

Errin Kramer-Wilt P.S. thanks for getting the cheers song stuck in my head! (sarcasm)

Jana Farrill Morrelli Errin: I'm in quarantine but not really... as long as you don't come within 3 feet of me you don't have to wear a mask. (You just have to have one nearby in case the doctors come in and you don't want a scolding.) Tomorrow would be great!

Mandy Morrelli Young Jana! I wish we lived closer to you so we could visit. You are very brave and I'm glad you helped the medical field figure out the science of the new central IV thing. Please feel better soon! We love and are thinking about you!

Jillian McJannet Hey Lady - my day went sideways...just finishing up work. I'll try to come by tomorrow. I'm thinkin' about you lots. l XOXOXO

Katie Kwast Stoneman wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you

Michelle Ortega Hey Jana, long time no see, long time no talk to!! Sorry to hear you're not doing to well. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care girl : )

Kelly Morrelli Hey there lady... I echo Mandy (in looks and in comment here)... I do wish we lived closer. Thinking positive thoughts of you...much love, light and blessings.

Tammy Chriss hey Girl...please put me on your mailing list for your Notes . I just happened to trip over this. I love the way you write...making US feel better with smiles and giggles while you walk upon the unknown journey with difficult tests... and absolutely love your posititve attitude...if I ever go through something and I need uplifting mentor...I will ... See Morebe looking for YOU! *smiles* Ask the Doc to check to see if there is too much sweetness and postitivity overriding your heart...just a thought *wink* love to you!

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