Halloween Sicky Update- 10/31/2009

Happy Halloween all!

So today's been pretty good, except for the saga of the PICC line. As I've learned today, a PICC line is an IV that goes in big vein in my arm, up around my shoulder and feeds right outside my heart. It lets me get meds right to my heart and also lets them draw blood without having to keep stabbing me. Good news! The not so good news is right now it seems to be in the wrong place. Instead of going to my heart, the tube took a wrong turn and is in my jugular vein. (Nick says the nurse needed Google Maps) They are trying to adjust it and we'll see if it goes into place. I'll let you know.

Other updates:

The docs had some interesting news for me this morning...they think the illness I had about a month ago that kicked all this off was Swine Flu. Yep, my disease is officially hip! They've seen this happen to two other people so far(meaning they got swine flu and it damaged their heart badly) so they think it's a good possibility. No exact way to tell, but these people seem to know what they're talking about, so I'm on board. Plus, it's a little sexy, having the most talked about disease in media history! (I made that statistic up just now).

I also got some encouraging news from the docs regarding my prognoisis...1) my heart may acutally shrink a little from the size it is today. I was told it would stay this size forever, so this is really good news . It probably won't get to normal size, but any shrinking would rock.

2) The percentage of blood my heart can pump out may be able to dramatically increase with meds. Normal percentage is about 60-70%, I may be able to get close to normal at some point. This is awfully good news because it means my activity level could be pretty much like everyone elses! Holla! When that happens, you can be sure you will recieve an invitation for the Dance Party at House Morrelli! Woot!

3)The meds I have to take are ALL GENERIC!! To you non-insurance nerds out there, this is a BIG DEAL. The meds could have costed me hundereds or thousands of dollars per month, and with the generics, the drugs I need will be about $15 per month. Total. What a relief!!!

In other news- I've had lots of awesome visitors! Thank you to Errin, Chuck, Stacey, Jillian, Mike, Nick, Ben, Emily and Daniel for coming by! It's been super fun to see everyone. I have learned that I have to laugh a certain way in order to not hurt myself. I can go "tee hee hee!" but not "ha ha ha!". So I'm now laughing like a little girl from the 1950's. Just call me Sally Jane.

Oh, and I thought I would share the cheeseist thing I've ever thought in my life, but it happened, so here goes....yesterday morning at the crack of dawn, the nurse came to get blood, give me meds, poke me, it was generally uncomfortable. The discomfort wasn't really the problem, I was just tired and on the edge. So I had a little pity party for myself in the dark, crying, poor me, the whole 9. But what made the feel better was all the wonderful notes, well wishes, and the love I've felt from you all. And so I imagined that all the notes were written on a blanket, and that it was tucked all around me- a blanket of love. Cheesy? Yes. Incredible helpful and comforting? Yes too. So thank you guys, you mean the world to me!

Late breaking news! The nurses pumped about 30 syringes of saline in my PICC line in order to jostle it enought to get it to move from my jugular to my heart...and it worked!! So I'm now hooked up the way I need to be, and shouldn't have to be poked for blood anymore, and they can keep a better eye on my heart than before. Yahoo!!

Ok kids, that's enough for now...I'll check in later!
Love you!

Melissa Morrelli likes this.

Kitty Muller
all very good news.. =)

Jillian McJannet
yeah! more encouraging news!! You are a Rockstar patient Mrs. Morrelli!! Keep up the good

Mandy Morrelli Young
Jana this is all wonderful news! Again you are such a positive and optimistic soul... my most favorite attribute about you (out of many!) We love you and keep the good news coming.

Errin Kramer-Wilt
Hey jana, Thanks for the update. I am glad that you finally got your own room! I am also glad to hear that perhaps permanent not as permanent as what they once told you. Have they told you when you might get to go home yet?

Jana Farrill Morrelli
Errin, it's looking like about a week from now, but that could change either way. The good news is I feel pretty stinkin good!

Errin Kramer-Wilt
I am So glad you are feeling better...I am sure that being able to sleep in a normal sleeping position helped :)

Paul Young
Jana, we're thinking of you!!! Get better!

Rhetta Farrill
Swine Flu! Wow, well you still diddnt get bird flu, and neither did we, even with chickens :P

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