Nick's Update- 10/30/2009

Friday, October 30, 2009 at 2:40pm

This is Nick updating Jana's status: Jana just got back from having a catheter put inside her heart to have a look-around. The only results I understand at this point is that her sweetness factor was off the scale. We all knew it before, but it's official now, folks.... Jana is a medically certified sweetheart. I will update specifics later because we haven't taked to the doctors but the good news is that they were able to take the catheter out of her heart after they were finished.... This means it looked good enough inside her heart so they don't have to monitor it with a permanent catheter.

Jana's Mom just got here and she's happy to see her. Jana is still smiling and in good spirits, and can now lie down completely flat! This is a big improvement!

Anyone else looking to come visit please come, Jana would love to see you. They ask you to turn off your cell phones in here but I will be checking my messages (voice and text)... you can reach me at 206-890-4476 or if I can't answer it means I'm in Jana's room. If that's the case you can reach us at Jana's room. We are at the University of Washington Medical Center, room 5314. It sounds like they will be moving her to a different room (more comfy). We will update you if that's the case. Until then call me or her room if you can't get thru to me.


Jenny Lavik
Ok, even in the take a fabulous picture! Only you! Soooo glad that your mom is there!

Errin Kramer-Wilt
Thanks for the update Nick. Jana-looking fabu with your mama!

Michelle Gonzalez McMullen
Thanks Nick. I wish I could be there to help in some way. Just know that I am thinking about you all and praying for the best.

Athena Sears
Thanks for the update. Love you Jana! I'll stop by this weekend.

Gaye Morrelli
I truly LOVE this technology!! Am SO glad you are feeling well enough to lie flat and BREATHE! Am SO SO glad yo-momma is there with you! You two obviously share the same beauty genes... You both look grand & regal in the hospital foto!!! It is a beautiful day in Texas and my only complaint (since I've heard your good news) is that the gnats are falling into my wine glass and drowning. I wouldn't worry and just fish them out, but Im worried they pee-ed in there first ....... EEEWWWWWW!!!!!!I will write more later. Plz hug your Mom for me/us & send our love to all of your family xoxgayxox

Gaye Morrelli
Jana, this is Pete. Sounds like you are being taken care of and are on the way out of there. Keep your spirits high. Love you lots.

Meghann Chapman
Take care, both of you!

Hannah Sales
Good news bout the catheter! I will keep sending well wishes and positive thinking ya'lls way... love you guys!!!

Allison Shoopman Hollis
take care of yourself and know we are all sending positive energy your way.

Kitty Muller
nice you are glad to be there sandy... glad you are feeling better jana. sending you lots of prayers.

Mandy Morrelli Young
Jana, you look great! So happy that the catheter test showed positive results. Thanks for the update, we are thinking about you!

Kathy Malvern
Jana, you do look adorable. Glad your mom is there with you. You continue to be in my thoughts. Take care!

Melissa Owens Reasoner
Jana, you look adorable, even in the hospital gown!

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