Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 6:55am
Hi Friends and Family,
Some of you know, and I haven't been able to tell some of you yet, so I thought I write up a note to share with you all about what's been going on with me for the last few days. The upshot is that I'm in the hospital (I may be able to go home tomorrow), and that I have developed a heart condition due to a virus that settled on my heart and did some damage.
About a month ago, I started feeling sick. I was vomiting, had a low fever, achy- general autumn sickness stuff. Then a few days after that I found I couldn't breath when I laid down, so I had to sleep sitting up for about 4 days (annoying, but fine). I visited my doc, and we did some tests and everything looked looked pretty ok. She had me come back a few days later for a follow up, and I was feeling tons better by then, so we let it go.
So at that point, I was feeling much better than before, but I was still getting tired really easily and was still getting sick to my stomach, and not feeling 100%. But I was chalking that up to being tired and not getting quite enough rest due my busy schedule.
Then on Thursday of last week, Nick and I headed to San Francisco and Tulare for a birthday celebration for Nick's mom Gay, and Nick's grandmother. Even before we left, I felt nauseas (sp?) and exhausted. Long story shorter, even thought seeing the family was wonderful and super fun, I felt pretty rotten the whole trip (had to start sleeping sitting up again). I actually even took a pregnancy test to see if that could be the reason (it wasn't- Sorry Mom : ). By the time we flew home on Sunday, I didn't know how I'd make it home. Walking in the airport, I had to stop to rest every 10 feet or so. But Nick carried absolutely everything in his arms (including my prized fake Dooney and Burke giraffe purse), and helped me along and we made it home.
On Monday night, I was sleeping in my chair, propped up with 3 pillows as normal. But every time I'd fall asleep, within a minute or less, I'd wake up gasping and my heart would be beating incredibly fast. This happened about 40 times that night. It was a rotten night.
On Tuesday, I decided to call my Dr to check on all this. I went in, and she was puzzled because I did look pretty healthy (That's right, even with a dreaded disease I was still lookin good!) and my chest xray looked good, and some other tests we negative. But my heart rate way was higher than it was a few weeks ago, and I still couldn't lay down, so she decided to send me to Virginia Mason hospital for more tests.
I got a CT scan, EKG, and an ultrasound of my heart. Turns out my heart is enlarged to about 7 1/2 centimeters (it should be 5 1/2) and instead of pumping about 50-60% capacity, it's pumping at about 5-10%. So I walked to Alcatraz on 5% of my heart. I thought that walk sucked!
They're not 100% sure what caused this damage, but it looks like that virus I had about a month ago settled on my heart and damaged it. This is completely bizarre, random, and rare. 2 people could have the exact same virus and one person would be fine and the other person would be me. : )
The scary part is it seems I now have Congestive Heart Failure. (Um, someone should tell the medical community that the word Failure is not the way to make a girl feel chipper) I'm pretty mad, because I don't fail! I get A++'s, just ask Hannah!! : ) But cest la vie. (sp?)
So the word on the street is that I will have this condition for the rest of my life. They are working with tons of drugs right now to get my blood pressure low enough to let my heart take a bit of a rest. My blood pressure isn't high now (never has been) but they want to get it even lower so the ol' ticker can recover a bit.
The other thing that the docs have done is give me Lasix, which makes me pee 48,000 per hour. But in the 2 days I've been here I've lost...wait for it....18 pounds of fluid. Take that Biggest Loser! But even better than fitting in my jeans again (I assume- I'm not wearing jeans my hospital gown seems looser for sure), the best part is I feel a million times better. I think the fluid retention was the thing that made me feel the absolute worst. I looked and felt like a stuffed sausage. My skin was tight and tender to the touch, and bending was just impossible. Now I feel loose, and relaxed and happy! Drugs rule!
So I'm going to be here for a day or so more, while they test the meds to get the right amounts. Then I'll be going to UW to work with their specialist team on an outpatient basis. My Doc says those guys have the best experience in CHF with young people and bizarre circumstances and can help manage this for life. Nick asked if we could get a consult from Dr. Greg House. The doctor didn't get the joke. (Mom, he's the brilliant, sarcastic, rogue doctor on a medical TV show. He rocks and can solve any mystery in 52 minutes flat).
Oh and the other thing I'll have to consistently watch is my sodium intake. I have to keep it at 2,000 mg per day, which is fine as long as I'm not eating processed foods (rats) or extra salt. Can we please stop and have a moment of silence for my salt shaker? I adore salt. In the past, Nick has said he is going to give me a salt lick for Christmas. But no more. People say Mrs Dash is just like salt. Those people are liars. And we won't talk about cheese yet. I'm just not ready to process that thought yet.
So that's the gist...Moral of the story? There isn't one, because this is completely random. : )
But if any one is bored and wants to share some jello with me and Nick, come on by! I'm at Virginia Mason in Seattle, room 873. I'm feeling pretty darn good these days, thanks to Lasix. Wherever Mr. Lasix is, I'd like to thank him!
I love you all!
Tammy Chriss
{{{healing hugs}}} I am sooo sorry you had to go through all that and hear those crappy words, but...I am soooo glad you listened to all the warnings and caught it in time...if could have been worse, you could have lost the 5% and be stranded on the Alcatraz...imagine the headline...won't go there because it did not happen! Because this happened to... See More you, then it makes us all ponder our habits and change our patterns. For you, I will pour less salt. I have that Mrs Dash bottle next to taste better than salt...not! But guess what...who about let's start tasting the food for what it reaslly taste like and stop covering it with salt...we are not horses, so we don't need salt blocks *smiles* The way to heal is to accept it and embrace for what it is, then you will have a speedy recovery. They say when we resist the changes, the harder it is for us to recover. Yes some days will be "off day" and be hard...during the weak moments is when we find out strengths I will wrap this up and wish you happy thoughts, positive mind, stronger heart, healthier body and warrior can beat this battle *swords
Jana Farrill Morrelli
Tammy, thank so much for the encourgement! Ha, it would have been lousy to get stuck on Alcatraz! Thanks again for the always put a smile on my face lady!
Meghann Chapman
Poor Jana! We will be praying for you, get well :)
Case Ridinger
Hey Jana Im really sorry to hear what your going through but glad that youve figured it out. We will keep you in our prayers.
Kathy Malvern
Oh my goodness Jana!!! Im so sorry, but so glad they figured out what was wrong and you are on the mend. I feel for you though, I love salt too, but there are worse things! I'll be thinking about you. Get well soon!!! :)
Melissa Owens Reasoner
Jana, I am so sorry about all you've been going through. You are in such good spirits (You always have been the positive one!) and James and I will keep praying for you. I'm sending hugs and much love your way!
James Reasoner
Jana YOU ROCK! I love your humor
Melissa Morrelli
Jana, I love your bubbly attitude...I pray that it will make dealing with your illness a little easier......XoxOoO
Stacey Thomas
You need to watch your salt??? You've come to the right place! As you know, I'm all about the low sodium diet. I prefer to get fat in other ways. :) I'm thinking about you and will come visit tomorrow. Has Nick left your side? I can feed my god son if needed.
Jana Farrill Morrelli
Thanks to you all for your sweet notes! Stace, I'll have to follow your lead on the sodium diet....and the saddest part may more Palomino pizza!! Whaaa!
Maggie Parry Salvino
Jana, I heard that you were "under the weather" and just read your blog. All I can say is WOW. How random for sure. you are such a great writer, you really spelled it all out, and having a positive attitude is going to get you through this. You know you have a GIANT support group in the office...we all love and miss you Girl! First things first...all of the damn snack stations have to GO!! Hugs....M.
Allison McNabb Hyland
WOW, I am so sorry to hear all that you have been going through.... Hang in there Jana.... so glad to hear you have a great attitude about this. Please keep us updated and we will be sending lots of love your way!! XOXOXOXO
Allison Shoopman Hollis
How you can sound so perky still is a testament to your sweet nature. We miss you around here and we are all sending love and support your way. ...wait a minute...i just saw Maggie's snack station comment....hmmmmmm.... Anyway, you get better soon. XOXOX!
Porter Bayne
Dang and damn! That's a hell of a story. Sorry to hear it, but keep it up and pushing it back! Thanks for sharing it.
Kitty Muller
oh Jana..glad you are feeling better. you have a great attitude and i am sure that will help a lot in dealing with this new challenge. big hugs to you and we will be sending lots of prayers for you.
Katie Kwast Stoneman
sorry to read all of this, Jana, and Nick. :( That is rough!! I am a salt lover too. Next time we eat Tex-Mex together, we can ask for unsalted chips and I'll do it with
Skylar Farrill
you must have that disease that the Grinch got. Of course, his heart swelled 3 times its size. The doctor may say it's a virus but I blame the carols of the people of whoville. Get better sis, I'm praying for you.
Jana Farrill Morrelli
Thanks Sky...carols always annoyed me anyway (nobody thinks how annoying carolers are to the person being sung to). I'll keep you posted...I love you!
Jennifer Nicoles Porter
Jana... I just got caught up. Are you at UW yet? I wish I worked closer so that I could see you at lunch. This is just mind boggling. And to stay so upbeat is amazing. Just know I'm thinking of you and wishing you and Nick well.
Mandy Morrelli Young
((((((hugs)))))))) Jana you are amazing, and so upbeat. I would not have guessed you were as sick as you were on the trip. Not even a complaint. I am so sorry, and am glad you are feeling better. Drugs are the best... "But in the 2 days I've been here I've lost...wait for it....18 pounds of fluid. Take that Biggest Loser!" That's awesome, that must have been a horrible strain on you. Love you and see you soon!
Sandy Farrill
God is with you, sweetie. I love you so much. Can't wait to get there. Mom
Luis Cheng-Guajardo
Oh Jana, I'm a thinkin' about you!
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