Hey everybody, Nick is typing today because I have drops in my eyes. They are looking into the vision wierdness I've been having (a.k.a. partial blindness, stars, etc.). They have dialated my eyes so I've been getting and giving weird looks. They're coming back soon to do another evaluation but it looks like I have textbook occular migranes which are not dangerous at all.
I took my first walk today around the floor. It has gone fine and I'm not too exhausted although I was ready to sit back down at the end. We did lap an old lady that was hooked up to a lot of equipment. I felt good, but then guilty for feeling good about that. During the walk I wore Nick's longhorn pajamma pants (you may have seen these if you've been at our house on any Saturday in the fall). Nick says they have healing powers and the doctors agree because they've already made two positive comments about them. If I'm able to walk three times a day the Docs may take me off the Heperin (medicine for blood clots).
Interesting fact: As I was getting blood drawn this morning it was hurting a little bit. As they did the saline flush I also had a metallic taste in my mouth. The nurse said that this is unusual but is much more common in people with fair skin, blue eyes, and red hair! The nurse was also a redhead. Studies have shown that people with my complexion are more sensitive to pain and less sensitive to pain killers and the like. (Scribe's note: The scribe thinks this is BS, but also an opportunity for more pain killers).
On the agenda today is:
1. Another chat with the docs
2. 2 more walks (considering breaking into a sprint, thoughts?)
3. Shower, Hot dog! (not the food, the term of excitement)
4. Visitors, yay!
I think I will get started on my busy to do list...
Love you all,
Dictated but not read,
Jana Morrelli
Jillian McJannet
Hey girl - I'll be by after work today!
Meghann Chapman
Redheads bleed a lot more after labor (my midwife with my last pregnancy told me this after I explained my hemorrhaging after the 1st 2 labors!) ..OK, maybe that was TMI but always keep that in mind later on! :)... though I think I have a high pain tolerance... after all the pokes you've been getting, I am sure you're tired of this! Get well, Jana!
Michelle Gonzalez McMullen
Jana that only goes for natural redheads..... How is Bobo handling all of this? Any plans to smuggle him in for a visit?
Melissa Owens Reasoner
Ocular migraines are no fun and seem scary but are not dangerous thank goodness! Totally digging the Longhorn pajamas!
Adam Loudermilk
Jana! So sorry to hear about all this! But it is good to hear that you're in good spirits and things are getting progressively better. Hope you're back up and runnin again soon!
PS I'd have faith in the longhorn pj's too (and this coming from an ex-Aggie! yipes!)
Mandy Morrelli Young
Hey Jana! Glad things are going well, I hope the ocular migraines aren't too painful... they sound painful. Redheads ARE less sensitive to pain medication and have "weird reactions" to anesthesia. A RN told me that just last week!
Kathy Malvern
Wow. Red heads are freaky! ;)
Jennifer Nicoles Porter
I get the occational occular migraine - they don't hurt, but it's like looking at one of the mystical dangers as seen on an original Star Trek.
Chuck Ramanujam
Jana. Drugs are good! Don't fight it! It sounds like things are slowly getting better! Glad to hear it. Tell nick his longhorns better not lose a game, or else Oregon might pass them for a shot at the national title!!
Joy White
Love you Jana!!! stay strong!!!! you are hilarious no matter what.
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