Hi Guys,
Ok, so I talked to the docs and they have decided they want to put a difibulator in me tomorrow morning.
Normally, with my condition, they would wait 3 months or so to see my heart heals on it's own. But since I'd had those irregular heart rhythms (Ventricular Tachycardia for all you medical people out there), I'm at at risk for my heart stopping, so they want to do it now.
I'll share the Q&A I had with the docs: (in no particular order)
Q. What does this thing look like?
A. It's about the size of a pager (Wow, could I be any more 90's here? Who has a pager anymore? How dorky.)
Q.Where it is placed?
A. It will go under my skin on my chest (I think on my left side) and will have a wire that runs from the defibulator to my heart. Three little wires go inside the bigger wire and they are put into various spots in my heart. They will stay there to monitor the rhythms in my heart and if the heart rate gets too high (200 beats per minute+) or my heart stops, it would shock it back.
Q. What is the recovery time?
A. Since this is a pretty minor surgery, recovery isn't bad. If the docs want to discharge me the next day they can (but they may not because they are still tinkering with my meds). I will get some lovely painkillers for a few days and I will have to wear my arm in a sling for a day after surgery. For the month after surgery I am not supposed to do anything super agressive like pushups (I figure why start now!), or lifting a lot of weight. By I am supposed to do activities of daily living (ADLs in the house!) and not treat myself like a baby. So the gravy train of "Honey, can you carry my feather boa?" is over. Rats.
Oh, and I can drive in about a week.
Q. Can I do normal things with it in?
A. Yes, there isn't much at all I can't do with it in. Those few items I can't do include get an MRI, use a CB Radio or a Jackhammer. I'm not concerned. The things I CAN do include work, drive, excercise, have a baby, live normally, etc.
Q. Will I twitch and drool around microwaves?
A. Luckily no, they fixed that problem in the 80's.
Q. Will this thing need to be replaced?
A. Yes, the battery will need to be replaced, but not for at least 10 years (take that iPhone users!). In about 20 years I may need a new wire put in. That's a little harder, but is probably still outpatient surgery. The other variable is how quickly medical technologiy is advancing these days. Who knows what genius little devices they may have in 20 years. Now, the insurance nerds reading this will be groaning about the cost of such medical advancements, but I've changed my postion on that. ; ) I'm pro expensive R&D nowadays. : )
Q. What is my life going to look like in 1, 5, 20, or 50 years?
A. What is YOUR life going to look like in 1,5,20, or 50 years? You don't know? Me either. : ) My answer 2 months ago wouldn"t have been any more accurate than my answer today. So no prognosticating.
Q. If I get a shock, how bad will it be?
A. It will be a pretty big deal. Some people barely feel them, but for most it feels like you got a big electric shock. The shock wouldn't transfer from person to person, so no one has to worry about hugging or touching me. I would be very sad if everyone gave up hugging me. : ) The good news is I may never even have a shock, it could just be "in case" my whole life.
Q. If my heart gets better, can they take this thing out?
A. Probably not. It is possible if my heart completely and totally recovered in a few months, they may consider taking it out, but it would not be normal. However my case is not normal to begin with. After about 10 months, the heart grows around the wire and it would not be a good idea to take it out. So I'm likely stuck with this thing.
So that's the gist. If I find out tonight what time I go into surgery, I'll let you all know. I'll take any prayers, thoughts, well wishes, and good vibes you want to send this way!!
Love you all!
I think I should name this defibulator...I'm open to suggestions, please submit your fav. Nick's vote is Sparky. I'm a fan.
Jillian McJannet
I vote for Sparky too! Thanks for the update!
November 4 at 7:14pm
Kitty Muller
oh yeah.. sparky would be my choice too. =)
November 4 at 7:30pm
Mandy Morrelli Young
Sending you all my positive thoughts, vibes, and prayers. This is good news, and "Sparky" is cute!
November 4 at 8:01pm
Kimberly Underwood
We are praying for you!!
November 5 at 6:02am
Dana Seals
Sparky or Lightnin' :-) Prayers prayers prayers!
November 5 at 7:08am
Melissa Morrelli
"Sparky" is great...We all love you and are thinking of you here in Tulare. GO JANA!
November 5 at 7:53am
Derek Morrelli
Damn, Nick ALWAYS comes up with all the good ideas!
November 5 at 8:45am
Derek Morrelli
so in addition to the things to avoid, what about metal detectors at airports and stuff?
November 5 at 12:33pm
Jana Farrill Morrelli
She will have to avoid them and she will get a special card... She may get suspicious looks because usually the people that have those cards are over 70. She thought she was done with fake ID's years ago!
November 5 at 12:58pm
Kelley Dees Atkinson
What an awesome update it is exactly the kind of not really my business but I still want to know medical info I would want! You totally saved me a webmd trip!
November 5 at 7:39pm
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