Irregular heart rhythms- 11/4/2009

Hi Guys,

So I just had my electrocardiogram (an ultrasound of my heart) and I'm waiting for the docs to review it. They came to talk to me earlier and it sounds like a defibulator is very likely for me.

I've had irregular heartbeats twice in the last 2 days. The first one was Monday while I was taking a nap. I was actually having a nightmare that a nurse was drawing blood (acutally it was the goofy guy from 17 Again and Reno 911, but I digress) and I started to choke on blood, but I couldn't get the nurses' attention even thought I was clawing at his arm. Then I woke up and was pretty freaked out. I called the nurse (who was not the guy from 17 Again) and told her, and they said I had just had an irregular heartbeat. And I had one yesterday that I didn't feel.

The danger of these heartbeats is that your heart is freaking out and they can cause you to pass out and they can be fatal. So they're a big deal.

A defibulator is a small device (I'm not 100% sure of the size, but I think it's about the size of a deck of cards) that goes under my skin on my left side of my chest, right above my heart. It feeds little wires into my heart and if my heart were to stop, it would shock it back. Kind of like a safety net. The cool thing is it sounds like there is new hybrid defibulator that also somewhat acts as a pacemaker (I know, could I sound ANY older?) that would try to outpace my heart if it started beating irregularly, so it could possbily get the beat back on track before any problem occured (like I passed out). So it sounds pretty good. Plus I really feel like having something like that may help me live a more normal life. Otherwise I'm afraid I could feel like I'm always walking on eggshells, afraid to do anything strenous at all.

So the deciding factor if I get the defibulator or not is if my ejection fraction (how hard my heart is pumping) is lower than 35%. (It was 18% last time they checked). If it's over 35%, they may wait awhile and reasses. If I do need it they may do the procedure tomorrow, and they still may let me go home Friday or so. I guess it's a pretty minor surgery.

So I'll let you all know what the docs say...I'm not scared or anything. Frankly, I think I might be more scared if they decide not to give me the defibulator. So fingers crossed for a defibulator! : )

Love you all!

Kelly Morrelli
It's true about redheads! Nick's just jealous. ;)

Jenny Lavik
At the brokerage firm I worked for a few years ago down here in the Big D they had 2 (what they called) "Defibulators" for the producers that would get so stressed out, scream a lot and carry on so they could shock them back to life in the event of a heart attack. Sad, but true!

Jana Farrill Morrelli
Jenny, HAHAHA! Do you mean those little red boxes on the wall that shock people? That is hilarious/awful!

Jenny Lavik
Unfortunately, yes, that is exactly what I mean! I think they had some portable ones too!

Kelly Morrelli
(Whoops...that comment was for the other note. I'm so not facebook pro.)

Can you use a defibulator like a tazer gun? You'll always have protection against preditors and rabid animals.

You have such a great sense of humor you and thinking of you!

Jillian McJannet
Hey Beatiful Lady! Thanks for the update, Stacey and I have been sharing them with the team. I keep saying I'm going to stop by then something comes up....I'm really going to try after work today!! Miss you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! XOXOX J

Jana Farrill Morrelli
Kelly, Ha! I don't think I can use the difibulator like a taser (rats) but I did just read that I shouldn't operatate a CB radio or jackhammer if I have one. So there goes any career goals of a truck driver or a contruction worker I may have had!
Jillian- no worries, I'm sure you're busy doing MY work, so no complaints!! Come by anytime if you have a chance!

Luis Cheng-Guajardo
Jana, you know you live on the west coast when even the defibulators come in a hybrid model.

Just thought I'd share that little joke. Keep us posted and we'll keep you in our thoughts.

Tammy Chriss
i need to get the CB radio and jackhammer out of my truck next time you come to visit *smiles* glad to know that they found the problem, so they can resolve it and you can get on with your life without worries and feelin good as new again!

Travis Rubelee
Well at least they have figured something out. No magnetic nametags for you now! I'm glad that you're going to be ok! We're pulling for you!

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