Hobbit-ish 10/14/2011

Hi All!

It's been so long since I've written- sorry about that!

Wow, where to start...

Health stuff first- I've been doing really well lately. I'm feeling good a good portion of the time and my heart hasn't been acting up. The worst that has happened is some annoying beats from my pacemaker, and the doc even managed to get rid of those with a device tweak.

In other news- I started business school! It's a pretty big undertaking. My days are filled with lots (and lots) of reading with a bit of calculating thrown in there for good measure. It's been a while since I lugged a huge textbook with me to the nail salon, but my feet were starting to look a little hobbit-ish and I had to get a handle on that. Cong (the lovely pedicure gentleman) and I talked a bit about economics while I got my toes done. He agreed with me mostly, except about price control theories. Just kidding! We totally agreed about that.

So even though school is a lot of work and is tiring, I think I've got a pretty good routine going. I do most of my work pretty far in advance, so if I get tired I don't have a deadline looming over my head. That has come in handy already. The other day I was just exhausted (like the kind of tired where it's too much work to hold up your head or chew). So I just called it a day, and felt much better the next morning. Worked out fine.

Oh, I also went with some of my best girlfriends for a weekend away and we had a killer time! Wine, dancing, laughing, wine, food, laughing...you get the picture. I felt great the whole time and when I got home I felt like I was almost completely back to normal. And I loved it! And then I saw the pictures. And there we were- having a great time, but I was sitting down in almost every picture. I didn't even realize it. That hit me in a few ways. 1) I had an awesome time and didn't feel left out at all. 2) I made do and sat down when I needed to. 3) This feels normal now. I don't even recognize that I'm making accommodations. It was a little sad to see myself sitting down while everyone else was dancing around. But it was also totally awesome that I was there, laughing and living it up with the girls. And guess who stayed up until 1am? That's right folks! I'm a regular night owl now!

Nick is, as always, my biggest cheerleader and has also turned out to be a rockstar economics coach. I mean I *knew* he was good at this stuff in business school, but, like, he's REALLY good. So we may need to start a tutoring side biz. Hey, I'm not going to business school for nothing. You see an opportunity, you jump on it! (That lil' gem of advice was free. Keep your eyes peeled for my get-rich-quick book, "Jana's 114 Step Plan to Getting Rich Quick", hitting shelves in early 2022)

Alright kids, I've got a date with my honey and 2 episodes of Dexter.
See you cool cats later!